Afghanistan – Malalai High School – 2007

In Afghanistan, school libraries are still considered the lowest priority in terms of education, despite their important role in the educational process. Twenty five years of war and repression have destroyed libraries and schools all over the country. In the past five years 7.5 million girls and boys have

Tibet – Medical assistance in remote rural areas – 2006

This project addresses a precarious situation in the Amdo and Kham regions, situated in Eastern Tibet on the border with China. The Amdo area is his holiness the Dalaï Lama’s native home. In these rural regions, health care hardly exists and lack of medical assistance and basic hygiene structures

Switzerland – End Human Trafficking Now! Campaign – 2006

Graziella Zanoletti, CIO & President of Elite Rent-a-Car, is a co-promoter and sponsor of the campaign « End Human Trafficking Now ». In her quality of member of the 2006 « Athens Roundtable of Business Community against the Trafficking of Human Beings », organized by the Suzanne Mubarak Women’s International Peace Movement (SMWIPM),

Mongolia – Lamp of the Path – 2005

The activity of Lamp of the Path in Mongolia: Lamp of the Path is the humanitarian branch of the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT), a Buddhist organization active in Asia and in the West. In Mongolia FPMT started working in 2003 and operate in different

India – Nirmala Hospital – 2005

On December 26th, 2004 a tsunami hit India. Thousands were killed and many people were left homeless and without the means to make a living. In the spring of the following year Dr Aldo Lo Curto went to the Kanyakumari District in India to better understand what had happened.

Brazil – The Village School of Karara’o – 2003

Construction of this new school for children and young adults began in October 2003 and was completed in February 2004, on schedule. The work was carried out by two experts in carpentry whose only modern equipment consisted of a chain saw. In 2006 the library was completed. It contains

Brazil – « Farmacia Verde » (Green Pharmacy) – 2003

The project « Farmacia Verde » was created in 1995 to promote the fabrication and use of plant-based first-aid medicine elaborated according to local tradition remedies. Based in the region of Altamira, in the state of Pari, north of Brazil, the Farmacia Verde centre is composed of a garden and a

Afghanistan – Sewing Workshop in Kabul – 2002

Initiated by the association of Afghan Women and Children (EFA) during the Career Women’s Forum in 2002, the project of creating a sewing workshop in Kabul came to fruits in September 2003. The project was aimed primarily at Afghan widows who were in particularly precarious situations, and the objective was not

Tibet – Tashidom school – 1999

Located in the heart of the Gangdise Shan Province of Tibet, the Tashidom village is 20 km from the Everest Base Camp and 10 km from the Rongbuk Monastery. The construction of the village school began in 1999 and ended in 2000. It allows about 30 pupils from 7