It's time to share !

Your donations will help us make this world a better place. Thank you for your generosity. When donating bear in mind the three following points:

  1. Your donation is tax-deductible in Switzerland
  2. We select reliable, long term, local and culturally adapted projects
  3. Your donation will be used with efficiency

You have two ways in order to make a donation to FOH:

  • Donate via PayPal
  • Make an offline donation by using the information below

Offline Donation

Bank: UBS
For: Friends of Humanity
Rue des Pâquis 51
CH-1201 Genève
IBAN: CH260024024041708001W

If you want to give a meaningful gift to one of your loved ones, why not give them one of our Gift Certificate ?

All the FOH team, thank you from the bottom of our heart for your generous donation and your trust during all these years.