In life there are many occasions to offer meaningful gifts to people we love: anniversaries, Christmas celebrations, weddings … Friends of Humanity proposes you to sponsor one of the projects which will bring joy to another person somewhere on Earth. Share the love that you have for your loved-one with someone else by offering Friends of Humanity Certificate Gifts.

Participate in one of the following projects:


“Sanitary Pads for Women Refugees” Certificate: 

Thanks to your contribution, you will be allowing women and adolescent refugees, to get access to good quality and compostable sanitary pads. These pads will prevent many vaginal infections to these women as well as stigmatizing situations. These have several consequences, such as the increase in absenteeism at school and at work, which is a barrier to women’s economic independence.

With a donation of €50 you contribute to produce 100 sanitary napkins, which will help these women and adolescents a lot.


“Food and Necessity Items for Nepaleses” Certificate:

Your contribution will allow a family of Nepalese to regain the serenity of having enough to live for the next day. With this project we are targeting isolated communities in Nepal, where Covid-19 has been a total disruption.

With a $50 donation, you provide a family with food and necessities for x months.


“School supplies for children in Nepal” Donation Certificate:

Your contribution will allow Nepalese children to have everything they need for studying.

School supplies, backpack, two uniforms, sweatshirt, sneakers. With this project we support 250 kids from four primary schools, but we aim for more.

With a $50 donation, you provide a child from rural area of Nepal with all he or she needs for school during a year.

When making your payment please remember to quote the reference “Sanitary Pads for Women Refugees”, « Food and Necessity Items for Nepaleses », so that we can ensure that your donation goes to the right project.

We will sign your Certificate-Gift and then you can give it to your nearest and dearest!

To make a donation with a credit card (online payment), please click on:

To make a direct bank transfer, please use:

FOH UBS account

Bank: UBS
For: Friends of Humanity
Rue des Pâquis 51
CH-1201 Genève
IBAN: CH260024024041708001W