Completed Project Human Rights HUMAN RIGHTS

is organizing this fundraiser.

Graziella Zanoletti, CIO & President of Elite Rent-a-Car, is a co-promoter and sponsor of the campaign « End Human Trafficking Now ». In her quality of member of the 2006 « Athens Roundtable of Business Community against the Trafficking of Human Beings », organized by the Suzanne Mubarak Women’s International Peace Movement (SMWIPM), on 23 January 2006, under the auspices of the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The initiative, co-hosted by H.E. Ms. Suzanne Mubarak, President & Founder of SMWIPM, and Ms. Marianna Vardinoyannis, Member of the Board, was attended by dignitaries such as Queen Sylvia of Sweden and H.H. Shaikah Sabika of Bahrain and was supported by participants such as the Foundations Ricky Martin, Healing the Divide and Vital Voices, Jean-Michel Jarre.

Elite Rent-a-Car, together with the other participants of the roundtable, has signed on to and committed itself to enforcing the Athens Ethical Principles, which were presented at the World Economic Forum in Davos in 2006.


The Athens Ethical Principles:

1) Explicitly demonstrate the position of zero tolerance towards trafficking in human beings, especially women and children for sexual exploitation.
2) Contribute to the prevention of trafficking in human beings, including awareness-raising campaigns and education.
3) Develop a corporate strategy for anti-trafficking policy which will permeate all our activities.
4) Ensure that our personnel fully comply with our anti-trafficking policy.
5) Encourage business partners, including suppliers, to apply ethical principles against human trafficking.
6) In an effort to increase enforcement it is necessary to call on governments to initiate a process of revision of laws and regulations that are directly or indirectly related to enhancing anti-trafficking policies.
7) Report and share information on best practices.


We invite all of you to subscribe to the Athens Ethical Principles to reach a « zero-tolerance front » against the sexual and forced labour. If you would like to see the current list of signatories, please click here (PDF).

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