Friends of Humanity is a foundation that tirelessly defends human rights, education, health care, and the environment since 2003. Our projects are currently underway in Asia, Europe, Africa and Latin America.
Message from the Founder
On my way, I met Aldo, a remarkable Italian doctor who for 30 years has dedicated his free time to caring for remote indigenous communities, without any official help. To my question about the impact of these solitary actions, he replied: I chose to make small projects, exceptionally well. Like the hummingbird’…. I immediately identified myself and Friends of Humanity was born from this call for solidarity towards the most vulnerable people by listening to their needs and bringing together tangible solutions. The status of women has always been dear to my heart as well as the access to education, hence the selection of the projects. Friends of Humanity is just a drop in the ocean and like the hummingbird I know that this drop of water can make a difference where it’s lacking. This is how my mission and vision come together.