Environmental protection and conservation

Environmental protection is critical for the economic development to meet the needs of the present generation without compromising the future generation’s ability to meet their own needs. This belief guides FOH’s activities to preserve our natural heritage. Today, the words «global warming» is on everyone’s lips. Global warming has

Environmental Protection

Environmental protection is crucial for economic development to meet the needs of the current generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. This belief guides FOH’s activities to preserve our natural heritage. Today, the words «global warming» are on everyone’s lips. Global warming is

Human rights and dignity

Respect of human rights is vital not only to protect the dignity of men and women all over the world but also to ensure effective democracy, sustainable development and lasting peace. We are particularly attached to defending the fundamental rights of women and children. To see our projects related


Friends of Humanity believes that education plays a vital role in the long term economic growth, especially in developing countries. For this reason, FOH passionately supports educational projects that enable people to learn and to play an active role in their society. In developed countries, education is very accessible


While the developed countries have a good level of healthcare, there are countries and communities facing many challenges in providing medical care. Located in hilly or mountainous regions is limiting the availability of basic health care in many rural mountain areas. Poverty is also one of main reasons why


The most valuable thing we have is health. We now have very good medical knowledge and an effective health care system, at least in developed countries. Infrastructures for basic health care and medical practice are often deficient in developing countries. This situation significantly weakens the possibility of economic development