Guillermo is organizing this fundraiser.
The vision of Liberté is of a world where human trafficking no longer exists.
Human trafficking is the third largest criminal activity worldwide, after trafficking in arms and drugs. Approximately 2.5 million people are trafficked every year. The victims are recruited or transferred through some forms of coercion or deception and exploited, mainly for forced labor or sexual exploitation. Every country is affected either as a source, transit or destination or a combination thereof. Switzerland is not an exception.
The project Liberté started as a joint pilot project of the campaign « End Human Trafficking Now! » and Friends of Humanity back in June 2008. After a 6 month pilot phase, Liberté successfully achieved its objectives: detect and identify potential victims; provide specialized help and support for victims (shelter: medical, social and psychological assistance, legal counseling…); raise awareness of the general public on this issue; improve the existing network for the assistance of victims. This confirmation of the existence of human trafficking in Geneva and the identification of the gaps and needs in victims’ protection, encouraged FOH to further this project.
In this optic, an independent association was created in June 2009 to implement the project. In the person of Graziella Zanoletti, FOH took the responsibility of the vice-presidency of the Association. Liberté specific objectives for the period 2009 were:
Through campaigns, media coverage, volunteers and distribution of material, Liberté was able to raise awareness. In September 2009, the association launched its second massive campaign in public transport. The consequence of the campaign was an increase in the number of calls (42 in total for 7 in September and 7 in October).
Nevertheless, if the project is crucial and has provided concrete answers to the hard facts, it had to be stopped due to lack of means. The victims of human trafficking are now supported by the Protestant Social Center.